On this page we have compiled a library of resources to assist you in finding the top practitioners and doctors for treating cancer, as well as, our Chemical Exposure Checklist to help you reduce your daily toxic exposure.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer or have a loved one that has, we realize that this can be a confusing, scary, and difficult time. You will find a lot of options out there, and hear all kinds of success stories along with some not so successful stories. This is your own personal journey. We encourage you to do your research: speak with these doctors, get a feel for them and their practice, and become comfortable with their treatment options. We cannot tell you which doctor or practitioner is best for you, but we can assure you that we have personally spoken to every doctor and practitioner on our list, and they are completely competent and experienced in their field of expertise.
Download the PDF below for our rolodex of doctors and practitioners from around the world successfully treating cancer patients with holistic and integrative care. The PDF also contains books, documentaries, and websites to help you make the most informed decisions for your treatment.
Click Here to Download The PDF
With a charitable donation of $20 or more, you will receive a FREE copy of our Chemical Exposure Checklist. We have compiled this list as a guide for you to use in your home. It contains recommendations on foods and food ingredients to eliminate from your diet, body care and cosmetic ingredients to avoid, and home care and household goods to steer clear of. We also list recommended chemical free brands of makeup, skincare, body care, and household cleaning supplies.
If you do not find a particular doctor or website, or you have one that you think we should add to this library, feel free to contact us Here. We are working diligently to find practitioners that align with our principles and add them to our resources library. We are also always looking for chemical free brands of makeup, skincare, and household goods to recommend so if you represent a brand or know of one, feel free to contact us. Thank you for being patient while we grow.